Promote establishment of the July 20th Space Exploration Day Holiday, to commemorate the first walk of humankind, onto the surface of another celestial body. In conjunction with this, promote the continuation of human spaceflight space exploration, industrialization, and new settlements on the Moon, Mars and beyond. Stress the scientific and technological benefits that come from increased progress in space. Encourage students to do well in school, by catching a vision for the future through STEM activities. Encourage the public to celebrate this anniversary with fun activities for families and communities. Encourage members of the general public to set personal Apollo-Like-Moonshot Goals to help make life better for humanity.



By J. David Baxter

Space Exploration Day will be a patriotic holiday celebrating the achievement of the United States to place astronauts on the surface of the Moon. It will follow a string of summertime patriotic holidays, such as Memorial Day, Flag Day, and Independence Day. With this in mind it would be appropriate for families to plant a U.S. Flag in the yard to help celebrate Space Exploration Day, just as the U.S. astronauts planted the Flag on the Moon. To make this tradition well received and possible, it be necessary for businesses that sell American flags to advertise and promote this tradition. If Space Exploration Day goes international, families in each country could use their own national flag.

There are a number of possible family traditions that could be used for Space Exploration Day:

  1. On the July 16th anniversary of the Apollo 11 launch, the first day of the nine day Apollo Space Observance, have steak and eggs for breakfast, just as the lunar astronauts had on launch days.
  2. During Apollo Space Observance have a family nature hike to better appreciate the wonders of nature. The ideal event would be a weekend campout.
  3. On July 20th Space Exploration Day, parents should give their children a STEM related gift, or a science fiction theme gift. Disney could advertise the importance of this tradition.
  4. Have special foods for Space Exploration Day. Mooncakes are a possibility. They would have the texture of Little Debbie cakes, and would be round like the Moon. This tradition is borrowed from the Chinese Moon Festival, where Mooncakes are eaten. But Chinese Mooncakes have a much heavier texture, making them very distinct for their September holiday tradition.
  5. Other good holiday food possibilities include Moon Pies, milk, cheese balls, Swiss cheese, Ritz Crackers, and Tang (the breakfast drink of the Apollo astronauts). While eating a Mooncake or Moon Pie, look up at the Moon and remember that astronauts have been there, and space travelers will be there in the future.
  6. July 24th is the end date of Apollo Space Observance. It would be a good time to have dinner under the stars.
  7. For the Apollo Space Observance period have space or space science fiction theme decorations for inside the house.
  8. On Space Exploration Day have children’s space science fiction parties. Dress up as a favorite science fiction character, or astronaut for the party.
  9. Attend community Space Exploration Day events, such as fireworks displays, and space theme educational exhibits.
  10. A children’s holiday mascot would be nice. A space science fiction theme benevolent alien is a possibility.
  11. Watch space education and space science fiction DVDs to contribute to having a vision for the future. A good example includes Nova space theme programs. Also science fiction shows such as Forbidden Planet, Star Wars series, Star Trek episodes, etc. R rated movies should not be shown to children.
  12.  Space Exploration Day can have religious overtones, for those who believe in a creator of the Universe. The constants of nature are extremely precise, to bring about extremely precise results in creation. Molecular biology requires highly complex processes in very specific orders of application to make the creation of life possible. Buzz Aldrin had a religious sacrament inside the LEM on the Moon. The Apollo 8 astronauts publicly honored the creator, on Christmas Eve, while orbiting the Moon. Jim Irwin on Apollo 15 stated that he felt God’s presence as he walked on the Moon. Like with Christmas, it is possible to follow only secular traditions, or along with the traditions, honor the creator. No one is compelled to make Space Exploration Day a religious Holiday. But for those who desire it, it should be available. The word holiday is derived from Holy Day.

A draft house resolution can be downloaded here: 116th Congress Space Holiday Resolution 020819.